Serena's Reborns
Serena's Reborns

Serena's Reborns

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Vendor Biography

Hi! My nameโ€™s Serena and Iโ€™m from Italy.
Iโ€™ve always loved dolls since I was a child. When I found out about reborn dolls a few years ago I was so amazed by them that I needed to buy one. Since that time, my love for these kind of dolls has always increased till one day I wanted to try to reborn one by myself. So Iโ€™ve been reborning since 2019 and always ried to improve myself with new techniques.
I hope you love my dolls as much as I love them too!
For any question, donโ€™t hesitate to contact me. Iโ€™ll answer as soon as possible.

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