Little Dearies
Little Dearies

Little Dearies

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Vendor Biography

Hello! My name is Teresa and I live in Southern California. I have been creating reborns for over 8 years now. I discovered them quite by accident as I was searching for a realistic doll to model crochet baby items. (at that time, crochet designs were my business). Needless to say – I fell in love and my new business was birthed not long after!

I have always loved creating. I have gone from tole painting and web & graphics design to crochet character designs, and finally reborns.

I adore breathing life into blank vinyl kits. I love sharing in the excitement of my customers who have ordered customs. The entire process is thoroughly enjoyable to me.

I have said since the beginning that my babies are made with a little bit of magic and a whole of love! I believe it is evident in my work! And each baby has a sparkly crocheted heart inside their chest. If you look closely at your Little Dearie – you can see it on the left side just beneath the body surface 🙂

I have my own website – – where I have items for sale and you can sign up for my newsletter as well!

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