
Some thoughts on branding and marketing for Reborn Artists…

Your Name is Your Brand

What is your Brand?

Your Name is Your Brand

I came to a revelation of sorts while attending the Yophi Doll Show earlier this month…So many attendees brought their beautiful babies with them. While admiring the art, I often asked where they purchased their babies. Many had the same answer… a certain website – that answer made me sad – not because of the site, but because I had to remind them that they purchased it from an artist who happened to sell there. When I then asked who the artist was…most did not know…This is a HUGE branding/marketing issue! Anyone who has one of YOUR babies, should know YOUR NAME!

Could you imagine an artist in any other field not branding their work either with their signature or logo — A painter, a sculptor, etc? It would NEVER happen! The amazingly talented artists who sculpt these amazing babies for us to reborn mark every kit with a signature and/or a certificate of authenticity. Even photographers brand their images – Remember the good ole’ days of family photos at Olan Mills, Sears or JC Penny? Their name was always imprinted on the images! Even kids school photos often have the company name on them. But, for some reason, reborn artists are expected to do so…. Think about that…You as an artist are not getting credit for YOUR WORK – rather the platform is!

On, we ENCOURAGE you to brand you images! You can easily do this using a watermark on photos of your babies or including a nursery name sign in the photos you share. If someone shares an image of one of your creations on social media (e.g., Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok), we want the world to know that it is YOU who created that amazing piece of art! This is also why we provide a comprehensive nursery directory listing for every artist selling on OnlyReborns allowing you to add links to social media platforms, nursery websites or even other selling platforms.

Because of our commitment to artists, and to authentic art, we are the ONLY platform supported by major doll kit suppliers including Dolls by Sandie, TruBorns, Irresistables and MacPherson Crafts!

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