Featured Sculptor: Bobbi Barfoot

Meet the Sculptor: Bobbi Barfoot
Let’s keep the focus on the amazingly talented artists who sculpt the babies and creatures that make our hobby possible! Remember, everytime you purchase an authentic kit direct from a sculptor or one of their chosen authorized dealers, or a completed doll made with an authentic kit, you are enabling this amazing art to continue! Today, I am excited to highlight Bobbi Barfoot Perez!
Bobbi has been a true and trusted advocate for OnlyReborns since we began, first offering to send out flyers with order from TruBorn and then encouraging me to reach out to other kit vendors/resellers, all of whom have been amazingly supportive of me and the platform! I can’t thank Bobbi enough for giving me that kickstart!
Bobbi is a renowned reborn and silicone doll artist, sculptor, and kit producer out of North Carolina (United States). She began her journey in the reborn doll community in 2006 and painted her first reborn doll on January 1, 2007.
Over the years, Bobbi has developed a reputation for her detailed and realistic doll creations. In 2008, Tru Born was born. With her commitment to authenticity and ethical art, she has partners with world renowned artists to produce and sell their sculpts in both silicone and vinyl.
In addition to her artistic endeavors, Bobbi has been an active advocate for the reborn community. Notably, in 2017, she organized a fundraiser to challenge the trademarking of terms like “Reborn Baby Doll” and “The Original Reborn,” aiming to keep these terms accessible to the entire community and it was a success!
Most recently, Bobbi launched Dolls of the World Expo, with the first show occurring in Raleigh, North Carolina in 2023. The show was a huge success, bringing together more than 1500 artists and collectors. The show continues to be a success, with the 2025 show moving new a new, larger location in Greensboro, North Carolina, it is shaping up to be the largest yet! Reborn artists around the world are eager to get a spot at this event (me included)!
For those interested in her work or looking to connect, Bobbi maintains an active presence on Facebook, where she shares updates, showcases her latest creations, and engages with the reborn doll community. I hope you enjoy learning more about Bobbi’s entry into the world of reborns and her visions for the future!

The Interview
What brought you to the reborn doll community?
In 2006 I had a yard-sale, and a young girl had a lifelike doll. Her grandmother said it was called a ‘reborn’ so I looked them up on eBay and I fell in love with the art. The next month, in Jan 2007, I made my first reborn. It was a Berenguer baby doll I had had since I was 9 years old. I disassembled it, stripped it, sanded off those pesky hair grooves, used RIT dye inside to give undertones and then painted away. I then rooted that rock hard head, breaking countless needles along the way. Assembled, dressed and sold for $300. I was hooked! I loved it! The next year I became a dealer and producer of vinyl and silicone. Tru Born was born.
What inspired you to start sculpting reborn dolls?
The process of sculpting has always been fascinating to me. Sculptors like Bonnie Brown, Marita Winters, Toby Morgan, and several others, inspired me to pick up clay for the first time. Although those first sculpts looked horrid. Lol.
How do you decide on the facial expressions and features of your sculpts?
I like to be inspired by pics. It has to grab my heart.
Do you use real baby references or work from imagination?
Both. But I prefer real baby references.
How long does it typically take you to complete a new sculpt from start to finish?
I sculpt slowly. But that’s because I only sculpt in small spurts. I may not touch a sculpt for months at a time if I’m not feeling the spark to sculpt.
What materials do you prefer to work with, and why?
Super sculpey is all I’ve used.
What are the biggest challenges in sculpting a realistic reborn doll?
Depth and proportions can be real tricky. And the lower lip and chin area I find challenging.
How do you ensure the proportions and details are as lifelike as possible?
I just do my best and get feedback from close friends who are also sculptors
Do you have a favorite sculpt you’ve created? If so, what makes it special?
My current sculpt Larkin, is my best yet. It is my favorite not only because it’s the best one I’ve managed to make, but because it’s a sculpt of my son at birth.
What’s your process for creating limbs and body parts to match the head sculpt?
I eyeball it. The proportions have to look right to my eyes, no matter the measurements .
How has the reborn doll industry changed since you started?
I’m definitely tougher. I also have made the best friends of my life, made amazing memories, and learned several aspects of the industry including painting vinyl, painting silicone, sculpting, production, dealing, and silicone casting. So I’ve gained many skills along the way.
How do you feel about AI-generated faces or digital sculpting tools?
I’m not a fan of it for art purposes. I respect digital sculptors because it’s a tough skill to master. But I prefer hand sculpted.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start sculpting reborn dolls?
Practice and don’t be afraid to take constructive criticism. The guidance of others can make a huge difference. Practice more. Study pics of real babies. Practice more.
Do you take custom requests, or do you prefer to work on your own ideas?
I work on my own ideas because in order to have passion for what I’m doing, I have to like what I’m doing and work on my own schedule without pressures.
Are there any dream projects or special themes you’d love to explore?
My dream is to make a full body sculpt for silicone.
Where do you see your sculpting career going in the next five to ten years?
Hopefully to more consistent production of vinyl and silicone babies sculpted by me.
What’s the most meaningful reaction you’ve received from someone about your work?
I was at a doll show in 2012. I took a hair painting class. One of the students from Brazil had brought a head of my Kaysen kit to paint her hair on. When she realized I had sculpted it, she was so excited and jumped up to hug me, tears in her eyes and said it was her favorite. It was a very sweet moment that stuck with me forever.
Follow Bobbi on Facebook and Instagram. Check out her shop, TruBorns for authentic reborn and silicone doll kits and supplies, and don’t miss the Dolls of the World Expo, which you can also follow on Facebook for updates!